2012年6月29日 星期五
The benefit of Puer Tea
Puer Tea is strongly believed to have wide ranging health benefits from anti aging, prevention of heart disease and cancer, diabetic control, removal of toxins to curing dysentery, inflammation, aiding digestion and weight loss, improving the eyesight, blood circulation and reviving those who are overly intoxicated with alcohol.
Da-Mo Puer Tea
Da-Mo Puer Tea uses the tea leave harvest during spring season from over hundred year-old Arbor tea trees where it grown at a non-polluted place in Blang Mt, Yunnan Prov., China. The tea block was the product with the marriage of Traditional Yunnan and modern Taiwanese Tea Fermentation Technology, produced on year 2006. The Tea block was ideally aged under natural aging process in Malaysia's warm and humid weather and marketing in Taiwan since March 2010.
"Mummy, I want to go picnic today."I am sorry My dear, Today is QIng Ming Festival."
I look at Abi and tyding up the food for prayer on the table."What is Qing Ming?" She ask.
"A Chinese Traditional Festival, darling. Just like Chinese New Year, we celebrate with our family together, Lantern Festivel, we eat moon cake, Dragon Boat Festival, we eat Rice Dumpling... Qing Ming..."
I paused for few sec. Looking at her big round eye, my little 5 year-old is drooling."Well, Qing Ming, is when we pray to Lao-Kong, Lao-Ma, Lao-Ji-Peck (GG-Fathre,GG-Monther and GG-2nd Uncle) who had pass awayand our family ancestor." I said.
"But I want to go picnic. Pa Pa Promised" She is unhappy.
"Yes, But we will have BBQ duck later. See!" Trying to convince her about the importance of this Qing Ming Festival.
"Father is quite today." I settle Abi and I saw my Father-In-Law sitting there, starring outside."Yes, he is always like that during this day." My Mother-In-Law said. She never look up but continue to prepare more food for prayers.
"Mummy, is this suppose to be a family day?" Little Abi ask. She must be thinking about theBig-fat-BBQ Duck.
"Yes, My dear." But, I think no one will turn up.
Ric had called earlier to tell mum that he is not coming back.Sounded alittle moody over the phone.
Indeed, since I married Steve, I can felt that he is rather reluctant to return home to see his own parent and family.
Later he told me, he just too ashame to let me know how he was being brought up.
I thought, this is just an ordinary average family in Singapore. Nothing to be asshamed of.Indeed, is an avarage family.
I had stayed with father and mother-in-Law for almost 3 years.I am not disappoinment with the background, but disappointed with the treatment theyused againts their siblings.
One fine day, Steve show me a SMS when he was having some arguement with the sister. Ridiculousely yet childish enough, by SMS.Well, the content is not much of shocking, or can I say as expected."You can ask your Pseodo-Wellbreed wife to explain to you what is call speak within context"
Thanks to her word. Everyone knows if this a good breed.Steve got really workout after the incident.
But I hardly hear kind words exchange between them.I told Steve,"no matter what happen, she is your sister, we are a family. You may fight and argue and thrown bad words on each other including personal attach". But,"Enough is enough." I said to him.
As a Mother of 2, I felt how my M-I-L felt. If this were to happen between my children,I would be rather upset too.
The only time when our family stick really closed together during the period she was diagnosewith very serious illinesses which required organ transplant from the closest kin.
I see Kinship among the sibling during that time. But seems that this does not last.
I just miss those days when whole family went out for gathering.Is not about good food or bad food, is about family.
Kinship, is not money can buy. HOld it when is still within reach.
How to make Tea
To make a pot of good tea, you need to consider the quality of water, the temperature of water and the volume of water.
1. The quality of water
You should use fresh water. And the water should contain as less mineral as possible.
2. The temperature of water
There are different adequate temperatures of water for different kinds of tea. For most of tea, the adequate temperature is almost 100℃(Black Tea or Ferment Tea) . (better in 75~90℃ for unoxidized tea like Green, yellow, White, Oolong tea)
3. The volume of water
There are different adequate volumes of water for different kinds of tea. 75% of the volume of the teapot may acceptable.
In General, the tea can be drunk after 1 minute(60~90 second) when the water was poured. Water can be poured for more than one time (usually 3 to 4 times) on the same tea leaves. And the tea should be drunk after more than 1 minute for the second and more times of water pouring.
1. The first pour
- 50% of the substance of tea leaves would be diffused
- 80% of Vitamin C, Amino acid and Caffeine of tea leaves would be diffused
2. The second pour
- 30% of the substance of tea leaves would be diffused
- 15% of Vitamin C, Amino acid and Caffeine of tea leaves would be diffused
3. The third pour
- 10% of the substance of tea leaves would be diffused
- 5% of Vitamin C, Amino acid and Caffeine of tea leaves would be diffused
1. Mix 1st and 2nd pour for drink.
2. To let less of Caffeine diffuse, you should mention the temperature of water do not over 90℃ and pouring the tea from pot after 1 minute.
心門若開 Open Your Heart and Sleeping Well/ 睡不著時聽一聽
# Diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease.
# Diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury or handicap.
# Investigation, replacement or modification of the anatomy or of a physiological process
Sending a Pessenger to IMH(Institute of Mental Health)
I wonder is because of the economic down turn or just because is me.
Someone hop into my cab...
"Uncle...(everyone call a cabby as "Uncle" in fact I am much younger"
"...Uncle(still want to call me Uncle)... go IMH(Institute of Mental Health)"
"Sure..." I said. I turn on the metre and start my usual journey, driving from espress way one to another fetching my client to the destination.
"Urg Hoooooo~~ ulu..Bleh"
It give me a jerk. I turn back and look at the middle age man sitting at the passenger seat."Are you ok? I am driving.Let me know if you are not feeling well.."
"Yea ...yea I am fine... sorry sorry." I look at him from the rear mirror, he look just normal and starring outside the window.
".... Urg Hoooooo~~ ulu..Bleh...." Again. I nearly jamp my break. But I continue to drive since he stop.
"Urg Hoooooo~~ ulu..Bleh"This time with his hand all over and I am wondering if he will do something to me from the back.
"Uncle, you ok or not? I am driving, let me concerntrate, can?." Trying to treat him like a normal passenger.
"Sorry arh... can not control...sorry." He Apologised. Well, I excelerate and make sure I reach the Destination as soon as possible. Guess he need help.Poor Uncle.
"Institute Of Mental Health"
"Here you go, you had reach your destination. Thank you Uncle."
He paid me and ask me to keep the change.Well, he is nice, weired thought.
".... Urg Hoooooo~~ ulu..Bleh...." on his way walking toward the reception lobby.
The security guard, an old indian uncle with a thick spec."You know~ this is IMH. Did he pay you? With Money I mean..."
I look at the $20 he gave me, I smile.
The Reflection in the Glass
Is another busy day. But Is Friday~~~~
"You Still there?" Jo shouted, as usual when she walk back to office at this hour.
Is almost 7:30pm.
"I am lucky today, my hubby is picking me up 30 minutes earlier..." I smile and walk pass Jo's
desk seeing her just settle back to her seat for a report.
Is so quite in the office today. Exceptionally. I walk pass the meeting room approaching the
Glass Door. I stare at myself from the reflection to check my hair.
Walking out to the lift lobby. Probably just 20 steps away from the main entrance of my office.
Hearing the clocking sound and the echo of my heels, as usual.
I just want to got down to the carpark and hop in my darking hubby car. I am anxious to see him and
my little girl and baby at home.
"Ting~~" The lift came.
I step in to the empty lift from 6th floor.
A strong oilment smell surounding the lift. I got panic.
I am not sure why. I just hope that someone who work late will join me in this lift
while on the way down.
The Oilment smell is getting stronger.
The 5 second feels like 5 minutes.
I staring at the lift level indicator, my throut turns really dry.
I felt extremly uneasy. I started to breath hard, unconxiously.
"Ting~". "Level 1"
THe lift door opened. Avoiding looking at the reflection on the notice board ringt
opposite the lift, but I still peep at it.
I quickly walk out and turn left to exit. My back is cold. Really cold.
I take out my Amulet. A photo of a HOly person. I started to chant.
Slowly, the heat heal me and calm me down for the next 5 minutes.
But it could have been the security uncle felt dizzy when he came up from
level 1 to level 8, so he rub on some axe oil...
But, You don't want to know what I saw when I peep at the reflection.
2012年6月28日 星期四

牛肉很多人不吃, 有的人卻很愛吃, 有的人覺得牛很可憐被吃掉.
林二小姐家里養牛羊來賣, 她很不喜歡她家里賣畜生. 林二小姐心生疑惑, 故問我能不能叫他父親不養牛.
我的回答是牛本來是牛, 牠是牛, 你要幫牠是給安心了脫牛的生活歷程. 或許放放音樂, 或是把牠照顧好等等. 養牛是林二小姐父親的工作生計, 因緣而致有這一份工作, 除非另有其他的工作合適, 否則不能因為可憐牛會被吃而叫父親停止養牛.
約1分半鐘, 她寫下
我覺得有道理, 與大家分享
以下牛圖是wallpaper, 你可以拿來當桌面
看圖說故事的案例二: 2009復活節狂想曲
看圖說故事一 Picture Description No. 1
About the energy of the figure
"When I first saw it, (without knowing is Sun) I felt energy and warmness in it.
I hope my feeling does not affected by the name of it..
Or it should represent 9 holy or powerful people in the universe.
Today I look it again with full focus; I "heard" sound of bell. It is not a real sound but
Is what I can hear. Soon, I felt my energy level went down and feeling tired because I used a lot of energy To approach the 9 holy power. I am too weak to go near it.
Many people may not believe. But, there is same saying with Christianity. An impure soul or devil will not be able to withstand the name of the Jesus Christ. It may not mean that I am a devil, but the 9 Sun could be too holy or powerful for me to get too near to it
Come back to the sounds of bell. It sounds like a reminder to me.
Again, I heard of the sound of a Gong, echoing around me. It sounds like a Blessing to me.
I kneed for the kind blessing and kind reminder. "
我聽了 The Beatles的一首歌, In my life, 心中感觸良多
In my life The Beatles
There are places I remember
all my lifeThough some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone, and some remain
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all
But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
In my life I love you more
In my life The Beatles
There are places I remember
all my lifeThough some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone, and some remain
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all
But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
In my life I love you more
馬來人古早有個諺語:「榴槤出、沙龍脫」(Durian runtuh, sarung jatuh),表示說,為了好吃的榴槤,不惜把沙龍拿出當掉,拿錢來買榴槤回家給家人享用。當然,現在,東南亞經濟起飛,人人不愁吃穿, 選購榴槤時, 是現金大把拿出來,挑個好品系給家人齊為享用了。
馬來人古早有個諺語:「榴槤出、沙龍脫」(Durian runtuh, sarung jatuh),表示說,為了好吃的榴槤,不惜把沙龍拿出當掉,拿錢來買榴槤回家給家人享用。當然,現在,東南亞經濟起飛,人人不愁吃穿, 選購榴槤時, 是現金大把拿出來,挑個好品系給家人齊為享用了。
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